God's love!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you,
He is a mighty warrior, strong, there to save you.
He takes great delight in you,
He will quiet you, calm you, with His love,
He rejoices over you with singing.

The Lord your God is totally & completely in love with you

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't get Sozzled!


This is a topic that has been on my heart for some time and I've yet to have the courage to speak up.  I feel that is the time especially with the New Year's celebrations commencing tonight.  I say these things to myself and my children as well. This is a sensitive and argumentative subject so I pray for God to guide me with my words as I share with you some of my own personal experiences and the truth according to God's word.  A truth that never changes!  Alcohol and drunkenness is an evil that has affected my life since I was a little girl.  See, I have seen and felt the evil that can be done when one becomes drunken or sozzled.  Word of the day and I think its my favorite word now! I have been guilty of drunkenness and the sins that so easily entangle us.  Drinking in moderation is not the problem it is the overindulgence of alcohol the causes the problem.  Our minds become weak, our inhibitions become relaxed and our discernment impaired or lacking.  I've personally seen and heard stories of men who become abusive physically, sexually, emotionally and verbally! Some become what we call a mean drunk, confrontational, always looking for a fight.   For some reason some find this funny! We are much more bold in our speech and actions.  The scary thing is that when we sober up we may or may not remember the things we've done, but now we are suffering the consequences and so are those around us.  I know that being drunk can cause men and women to engage in activities that they might not ordinarily do such as premarital sex or sex outside of marriage.  All in one night we've crushed our own values and morals.  We may find ourselves flirting more than we should or dancing and putting our bodies up against each other.  Sounds exciting, right?  It is! Sin and the lust of the flesh always is for the moment.  Rape is another evil that can happen when we allow ourselves to over-consume and indulge in worldly ways.  The list could go on!  So, what am I saying?  I'm saying it is not only dangerous, but it's WRONG!  According to God's word those who continue in this way of living, drunkenness, will not inherit the Kingdom of God!

God had been really dealing with my heart about drinking and I kept pushing his nudges away saying "no, this isn't a problem.  I only do it every once in while now.  No, it doesn't make my depression worse, etc." God didn't give up.   He continued to nudge.  I had a feeling why God wanted me to give up drinking even if it was for just a little while or forever, but I wasn't ready to obey or give up the battle in my mind.   I questioned "well, for how long? Forever? I don't know if I can do that. Just for awhile? How about if I just back it down to social drinks?"  He chose not to answer those questions at that time.  Does that seem cruel? It wasn't.  He just wanted more for me and that was not going to happen unless  I could sacrifice my selfish desires and obey completely without question.  God knows what is best and I trust in that!  July 31st while on vacation I was doing my Bible study and once again he presented his request.  This time I relinquished control and submitted to Him!  I can tell you now why he was asking me to submit and let go of my crutch.  HEALING!  God wanted to give me what I'd been asking for, but first he needed me to be willing to move away from the biggest negative influence and memory in my life!  I would like to share some of the negative influences and memories with you with respect for those involved.  The evil began, as I said earlier, as a little girl where I saw and felt the devastation of the evil hands of abuse.  I watched alcoholism tear my family apart, yet my family still remains today!  I was taken advantage of when I was away at college because of the effects of alcohol.  Thank God for friends who noticed the absence of a certain person and came to find me.  I have used alcohol as a crutch for my pain, for acceptance and just plain experiencing life. I must say there is nothing great about feeling sick and dizzy and "praying to the porcelain god"! Yuck!  Believe me I  have done some pretty embarrassing things! Later in my life at a time when my mind was already weak and I was moving away from God, I allowed alcohol to influence my actions in a sinful way.  My actions started an avalanche of pain and chaos in my own marriage and family.  I went from a "blue moon drinker" to a "gotta have all the time" drinker!  My sin then caused my husband to drink excessively! This was not pretty for any of us! My kids included!  I even used alcohol for my depression and attempt of suicide! Can you see the chain reaction that my sin and disobedience had?  This is why God asked me to step away! Every time I put my lips to a drink I fell backwards in my mind! My struggles increased! 
God wanted to heal all those broken places in my life and in my health, but until I was willing to give up my crutch and my excuses, he couldn't move me any further.  When I finally gave in the change in my life was immediate!  I lost my craving and desire for alcohol completely and my desire became more of God!  He's seen me through ever since!  That one act of obedience change my life!  Jesus' one act of obedience has changed my life forever and can/will change yours too! Jesus was obedient when he went to the cross for our sins.  He was obedient to the will of the Father and he now sits on his throne! 

Have I had a drink since that day? Yes, but not before seeking God in prayer to make sure that this drink will not be harmful to me or against his will!  It was about 2 months before I ventured into a drink.  I was able to enjoy A DRINK with my husband without the weakness of my mind!  I will confess that on December 7 I gave in and knew I shouldn't have and had a drink and then another.  I allowed the stress of my husband leaving till Christmas cause me to lose my discernment.  Not intentionally, but it happened! I felt guilty, my mind was weakened and I began to listen and believe all the old lies that satan began to throw at me! This lasted for about a week even though I had already repented and had been forgiven.  

Maybe God has been asking you to submit in some way and you are resisting, I encourage you to trust him!  

For information on how to live as a christian please read Ephesians 5! Proverbs 23:20-21, and the controversial verse that started all the fuss with Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, 
1 Corinthians 6:9-11- As Christians I'm speaking to you!  This verse is about more than homosexuality-let it sink in, drunkards are listed here as well among other things.  This is what you once were, now you've been washed, sanctified.  Vs 12 says everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial!  Go ahead for your sake and read all of chapter 6.  God loves you and knows what's best for you!  Obviously drunkenness or being sozzled is not what's best!  Just look at the tidbits of my life!  
Luke 21:34, 35-Don't let drunkenness and anxieties of life weigh you down so that your expectations are dulled and you are caught as in a trap doing the things he's warned us not to do!  Romans 13   (vs 13) go read it all!  Instead of dressing ourselves in immorality clothe ourselves with Christ!  
Galatians 5:16-26- It's a long list of things that he says will keep us from inheriting the Kingdom of God!  Don't be deceived my dear friends and children!  The old sinful self is put away so that we can be holy and righteous before God!  We who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature! 
1 Peter 4 is another great chapter on living for God! Please take the time to read it!  Please do not deceive yourselves and think that just because you've been saved and promised forgiveness that it is a certificate to continue in your old ways!  Please do not take me at my word but instead go and read it for yourselves!  Yes, we are going to mess up because in this world we are not going to be perfect but God forbids that we continue in sin so that His grace may abound or be more!  We crucify his grace again & again! We must repent and change our ways every time we stumble!  Strive towards the day we meet Jesus and are perfected!  It is only by His grace and through our faith that we are saved, not of our works so that we cannot boast, but it is our responsibility and pleasure to see to it that we live in obedience to God's word and His will!  If you are in need of a change for any reason, now is the time as the day of Christ's return draws near!  Please don't let today pass you by before you humbly and confidently go before Jesus and ask for forgiveness and then get up and press on to the goal! What a great way to start 2014 in the name of Jesus! 

Have a blessed New Year,
Stephanie Goode


  1. Glad you explained sozzled! That's a new one for me. You've been very transparent and open about your struggles, and freely share your life lessons with others. I pray that God richly blesses you each and every day of the New Year! Thank you JESUS for your unconditional LOVE towards us. Love, Linda

  2. I'm forever changed by our women of faith trip this year, not just because you're awesome driving saved our lives on interstate, but because of your open heart, your trusting spirit and your openness to share your mistakes to allow others to know, guess what Christians aren't perfect, we're just asking for forgiveness and letting others know, they are not alone with their closet doors. Love you!
