God's love!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you,
He is a mighty warrior, strong, there to save you.
He takes great delight in you,
He will quiet you, calm you, with His love,
He rejoices over you with singing.

The Lord your God is totally & completely in love with you

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Wildflowers Words: #amazed The Cinderella Job #yestoGod

The Wildflowers Words: #amazed The Cinderella Job #yestoGod:                                                                  "The Cinderella Job"                              Written for ...

#amazed The Cinderella Job #yestoGod

                                                                "The Cinderella Job"

                             Written for OBS "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God"

Cinderella had been praying for God to send her a job that would glorify him. She felt very unworthy of God's help but in her heart she knew that God had great plans for her so she decided to be still and patiently, nervously wait. True to His word he led her to send a message to a friend whom she knew that was opening a business. Little did she know, that God was strategically putting the two friends back together for His purposes. Together these friends were able to minister to all kinds of people in many different ways. This friend was so gracious and showed her appreciation to Cinderella through kind words and deeds. Cinderella was blown away by her friend Fairy! She paid her top dollar and gave her what seemed to Cinderella a very important job. Unfortunately, the business closed and Cinderella was once again without work, but she wasn't worried because her God had delivered her last time and will do so again.

Cinderella, once again, began to pray. God led her through five interviews within a short period of time but all those doors closed. The same day, within a few hours of the last door being closed, Cinderella received a message. The message said, "give me a call". Now, the irony of this message is not only was it right after the last door closed, but also, it was from a friend at the gym, a place she's always wanted to work. Cinderella was getting her hair done when she laughed out loud! She jokingly said to Bridget, "maybe she wants to offer me a job!" Isn't God hilarious? Now, the story deepens.

Cinderella contacted her friend from the gym only to find out that she actually was offering her a job, but not a job that she ever wanted to do again. Childcare! #Saywhat?  "Lord, are you kidding me here? Ok Lord." So, off she went to deliver her resume.  Cinderella, had plenty of experience but the last time she taught children she left her job deeply depressed and suicidal and had vowed to never, ever work with children again.  Her heart had grown cold, bitter, and shut off.  So, she visited with the owner and said to him, "I am not trying to sell myself, just pray about it and give me a call." Four days later, he called. Inwardly Cinderella grimaced as he offered her the job but she obediently agreed to take the job...in childcare. Cinderella spent much of her time in prayer asking God for the strength to make it through each day. Little by little God began using those precious babies to soften, and open up Cinderella's heart again.

Cinderella not only performed her duties in childcare, but also, in the gym.  She scrubbed toilets, took out the trash, washed the windows, made the mirrors shine, mopped the floors, wiped down all the machinery, knocked down cobwebs, swept out dust bunnies, vacuumed...you get the picture. Most of the time she was actually singing while she worked. She also took advantage of her cleaning time to talk with God.  She loves Him very much! Her faith grew stronger and she began to ask God to use her.  Each day, even when she just wanted to complain, she would ask God for whatever situation was best for her that day and to send someone that needed his love. God never failed her, he is her Prince!

One day while her back was bent cleaning the machines she was mulling her job over. Happy to be where she was but at times feeling so unappreciated. The job she was blessed with before the gym was a job where she felt important.  She had lots of things to accomplish, she had been given a management role, was being paid $3.25 more than she was now; although, this job was never about the money, it was about obedience.  In her previous job she was up front interacting with many people and now, she just watched from the window in the childcare room or while she was cleaning, wondering if one them might be the one that needs to hear that God loves them. Wondering why she was stuck in this tiny room instead in the midst of all the people; in the big room.  This is when Cinderella fully understood her name and her purpose.  Cinderella interacts some with others at the gym, but mostly with the children and their moms.  This is where her true purpose, her ministry, was put into action.  Oh the brokenness that entered her room!  Her heart bled for them for she understood what it was like to be in similar situations or what it is like to be loved by God through tough times.  God used Cinderella to listen, to offer Godly advice, to understand, to have compassion, to cry with, to laugh with, to give hugs and to pray for and with these beautiful moms! 

Cinderella has a very tough and tiring job, but I believe she has been blessed more than anyone else there.  Her story continues on even now as she works for the same gym but under new ownership. 

When I had finished writing this story I stopped to read my devotions for the day and boy was I #amazed!  That days devotion as well as the two before were so perfect! I started digging through the scriptures and this is where God led me- 1 Samuel 15:22-23   22. Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  King Saul half did what God had asked him to do so he thought that he could make it up to Him with a sacrifice.  In our day and time I would say that we do that by performing.  22b. To OBEY is better than sacrifice and to heed(follow, listen) is better than the fat of rams.  23. For REBELLION(not doing what God tells you) is like the SIN of DIVINATION(to fortell future events, super natural powers) and ARROGANCE(self-importance) like the EVIL of IDOLATRY(worship of something or someone other than God), because you have rejected the word of God(said NO to God) he has rejected you as King. 
The sacrifices God does love are found in Psalm 51:17...a broken spirit, a broken(humble, shattered) and contrite(remorseful) heart.  You can cross reference this with Psalm 21.  I believe Job would be a good example here.  Other scriptures to read are. Psalm 119:111-112 I love that it says 111. Your statutes are my HERITAGE FOREVER; 112. My heart is set on keeping your decrees TO THE VERY END! Love it! Also, Psalm 119:33-37  33. Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will KEEP THEM TO THE END.  34. Give me understanding, and I WILL KEEP YOUR LAW and OBEY IT WITH ALL MY HEART.   I will end this with John 14:23-24  23. Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will OBEY MY TEACHING... 24. He who does not love me WILL NOT OBEY MY TEACHING. 

Stephanie Goode(Cinderella)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Wildflowers Words: #Saywhat? Radical obedience and God in the midst of my storm!

The Wildflowers Words: #Saywhat? Radical obedience and God in the midst of my storm!

#Saywhat? Radical obedience and God in the midst of my storm!

                             Written for OBS "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" 
                                               #Saywhat? You talking to me? BUT...

Ever been there? God put this post on my heart one day last week and I kept mulling it over, thinking ok, ok. Really? How can I do this when I don't even know what the topics are? Besides I haven't even read Chapters 2 & 3. God kept right on stirring my heart! I mean there are plenty other yes stories I could share. Seriously, I couldn't focus, couldn't even read my lessons. I anxiously awaited the list of topics on Sunday, I mean, I basically had this written in my head I just needed to see if it was gonna fit in. There they were and guess what... my story fit right in. Way to go God! I finally gave in and said yes, wrote my rough draft and then there was relief.  Since then God has confirmed this decision over and over.  God knows! I pray that my story blesses someone and maybe gives hope to a struggling christian! Press on!

Radical obedience-done out of fearful respect for God, love for God, fear of consequences if I don't.  The battle was fierce! The consequences high!  Painful to say the least!

Obeying was like an exorcism! In fact, it was! I seriously fought so hard that I literally felt as if I was being torn apart from the inside out! There were times I'd wished that someone would lay hands on me and exercise the demons out! No one did. Instead, with God's help I fought them.  I was fighting a spiritual battle of truth, peace, obedience and forgiveness and a fleshly battle of sin, desire, hurt, and lies.  When you are called to obey and you are torn, the devil enticing hard on one side and Jesus gently calling you on the other it just ain't easy! I'm here to tell ya!  Sin is fun! No doubt!

I was willing to walk away from everything, a marriage of 15 years, my children and take a chance of forgiveness just to have a momentary break.  If I would just obey I could have eternal peace!  Sounds like an easy choice, right?  When God told me to stay in my marriage that I'd said I was through with, to leave the affair that I thought was the answer to my problems, I can tell you that that was the beginning of hell on earth! Don't deceive yourself into thinking that Satan is gonna let go that easy! Uh-uh, he's not!  I was already disappointed in God, mad at God because I felt that he had not answered my prayers when I had called out to him to change these unhealthy feelings that I was starting have for this other person. I blamed God! Truth? I was disobedient and finally said to God, "Fine! Just give him to me!"  Guess what! He did! Be careful what you ask for! God allowed Satan to dance with me. OH MY! The price we have all paid!  I tested God often during this time, I laughed at God. I am disgusted at my gall even now.  Can I just suggest to you not to do that?! Here's the thing...
GOD NEVER GAVE UP ON ME! Satan seriously wanted my LIFE! In death because if he could silence me, I would no longer be that Christian woman I once was who stood up for Christ, who obeyed, who trusted! 

Many times I played with suicide and every time God said, "NO!"  One time I very audibly heard God say, "NO! I have plans for you, just hold on!"  I would like to say that was the last time I tried anything, but it wasn't! Y'all the pain, the confusion, the guilt and shame was way to much for me to bear!  I tear up as I write this because I am grateful and amazed by his love! One time I wondered, "how many pills do I have to take? Why is this not working?"  I was angry! 

I believe God has given me so many messages, so many gifts to share, but they are too many for one blog post!  What I can say is this...I have had a ton of  #saywhats in the last 3 years and each time I have obeyed God has brought me a step closer to him.  Today as I am becoming more and more myself again, released from the bondage of sin, guilt and shame, I am tearful...overwhelmed by God's grace!

My marriage is still intact and better than it was before much to Satan's chagrin.  You lose Satan! My children have been hurt but are healing.  It is my hope and my prayer that they see my fight, my strength in Christ alone, my faith journey, instead of my sinful choices.  I hope that they, as well as others, can see Jesus in me!  If you are in a marriage that is struggling and so very hard right now, persevere, dig into God's word and see his truth, fall on your face asking for revelation. Get to know Jesus, be obedient no matter what!  Believe that each time you obey, each time you draw close to him, he draws close to you, James 4:8.  He will bless you! Claw your eyes open sisters and brothers, run, scream, cry, tear your clothes(figuratively or for real if you must! I understand that feeling)!  Whatever it takes to do what is right!  HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!  If your struggle is suicide or depression, stop listening to Satan's lies!  Maybe it's anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc, do away with it! Give it back, it doesn't belong to you!  I have learned that if I would just turn it to God, fall upon His grace, be radically obedient, those things do lift and change!  I'm still here because God wants me to share this with you!

Some love notes God shared with me:
My Princess daughter,
My grace is sufficient, I am all you need
Nothing can separate you from my love
Be still, I will fight for you
I sing over you, I will comfort you under my feathers, I will protect you
I delight in you! I treasure your tears.  They will not be wasted, joy comes in the morning
I will be your strength and shield, I go before you
I have many plans for you
I want to prosper and bless you, lift you up
I will NEVER harm you!
I am jealous for you, I will fight your enemies.
I will take down those who come up against you!
All you need to do is trust in me and say YES!
Whatever I say do, do it!
Receive me! I am your comfort! Your loving Father!
I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you!
I forgive you! You are PURE, WHITE AS SNOW!
My eye is on the sparrow, how much more is it on you!
Let me be your vision!
Come to me, come to me, come to me!

Have you ever had a father, a lover or a friend such as this?  You can!  Call out to Jesus!  Where ever you are, just as you are!  Believe in Him, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Repent, turn from your sinful, worldly ways and finally, #radically obey and follow Jesus in baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Buried in his death, raised to walk in newness of life!  Praise Jesus! Clothe yourself with Christ and become a fragrant offering to God! 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 When you seek God with your whole heart you WILL find him!  I did!

He calms my storms!
Stephanie Goode

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Wildflowers Words: How do I love thee? Deuteronomy 6:5

The Wildflowers Words: How do I love thee? Deuteronomy 6:5  with all my heart

How do I love thee? Deuteronomy 6:5

                              With all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength!

I don't get it! I get that I'm supposed to be souled out for Christ, surrender all, at all cost; but, to love this way? I'm not sure! When Lysa asked the question, "how do you love God that way?" I must confess it gave me pause! So, I decided to dig. I looked up the words heart, soul, strength.

How do you love with your heart? Hmmm...well, the heart is the core, the center of it all. Matthew 6:21 says where your treasure is there your heart will be also. God points out the importance of the heart in Proverbs 4:23 where he instructs us  "above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." The heart is where all of our emotions(feelings), affections, desires, beliefs, plans, meditations, hiding places, are housed. We must guard against anything bad, negative, or wrong. It's like a big bowl of fruit! We must sprinkle it with the living water in order to preserve it, keep it from rotting!  If we believe with our hearts...we will be saved.  I mean, the heart is kind of easy. Right? The heart houses everything that we are about. Let's just imagine the heart as a heart.
A heart without affection is like a purse without money.  Benjamin Mandelstamm

Now the soul? That's kind of where I wrinkled my forehead a bit! One definition is this-The seat of human personality, intellect, will, and emotions (spiritual part of a person). Our deep seated emotional house as is seen in Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for you, O God. I had to just close my eyes for moment and just imagine a deer panting for water and compare it to me panting for God! Go ahead try it! Imagine running a marathon or even a 5k without water, we would be begging for water, dreaming of it, longing for it, wanting to do #whatever we could to get our hands on it. The other thing that struck me in this passage is where David asks, "why are you downcast, O my soul?" "Put your hope in God." I would encourage you to read the whole chapter. It really made me think because I have felt all of these emotions. In my depression I would ask that same question. What I need to ask along with that is how is my heart. Am I guarding it? Heart and Soul Baby! They are so closely related. The heart pumps with life, the soul lives like a fire under the sun while our strength spends its time in action. Joshua 22:5 But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to LOVE the Lord your God, to walk in ALL His ways, to OBEY His commands, to HOLD FAST TO OR EMBRACE  him and to SERVE Him with ALL your HEART and ALL your SOUL. #whatever  Imagine the heart with a pearl nestled in the center.  Heart and soul!

Strength...I had to kind of think on this too! Naturally I think of lifting weights or something.  A minister put it this way, strength is the outward expression of our heart, soul and mind. We love him first with the heart then with a whole-life,
whole-soul love, and then we get a fire for God in our mind, then our strength will truly be devoted to loving God. I think of Psalm 1:1-6...2.But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither. Whatever he does prospers.  Imagine the heart, the pearl in the center of it and now growing from the heart are strong feeders or branches where the life blood flows out and gives life to others.
A soul strong as a mountain river. William Wordsworth

Here's what I have learned through this about the journey God has me on:One cannot truly love someone without knowing them!  To truly know God we must long for him without any other motive than reaching God himself. A. W. Tozer    I believe there are different levels of loving God. The first is when you are a new born christian. We love with all that we are. We love with reckless abandon kinda like when we fell in love for the first time! The honeymoon phase! I remember when I accepted Christ as my Savior thinking that if I could paint I would paint a picture bursting with color! That feeling that you just can't get enough, can't wait to share the good news. All smiles and full of joy, singing about it, and nothing nor no-one can stand in your way of serving this magnificent God that you've just surrendered the rest of your life to! You ache for Him! A transformation happened in your heart, your well spring of life. Then our soul begins to fill up with the overflow of the heart and spills forth it's beauty onto everyone! Christ becomes who we are, our personality, our longing, our desire.  The fullness of the heart and soul is the supplement that builds our strength. It feeds our spiritual muscle.  We flex that muscle in our service to God, through prayer and Bible study, and by lifting our voices in praise. We drink the life water of his word to nourish our whole being. When we wrap ourselves with the fruit of the spirit which is chock full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, the impurities like sweat, drip from our pores.  We are a fragrance to Christ, a tree planted by the water.

Another level of knowing God is when we learn to love God with all our heart, soul and strength through our struggles as we receive his mercy , grace, compassion, forgiveness and faithfulness. This is the kind of love I am now learning. To know God is to know TRUE love. God has brought me and my husband through some very choppy waters in the last 3 years. We have finally come up for air and are embracing God's will and plan for our life. God has been stretching us and growing us. We were recently in a position to be part of a business opportunity but we did not want the desires of our hearts if it wasn't God's idea. So through this we had to answer the hard questions- Are you ready to be souled out at all cost? Are you ready to do it my way in my timing? #yestoGod!

So with all that I am, every breath that I take, every sniffle, blink of my eye, twitch of my lips, every step I take I will love Him! I will surrender all, I will love Him with my heart, soul, mind and strength. #palmsup

To love and to be loved,
Stephanie Goode