God's love!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you,
He is a mighty warrior, strong, there to save you.
He takes great delight in you,
He will quiet you, calm you, with His love,
He rejoices over you with singing.

The Lord your God is totally & completely in love with you

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#Saywhat? Radical obedience and God in the midst of my storm!

                             Written for OBS "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" 
                                               #Saywhat? You talking to me? BUT...

Ever been there? God put this post on my heart one day last week and I kept mulling it over, thinking ok, ok. Really? How can I do this when I don't even know what the topics are? Besides I haven't even read Chapters 2 & 3. God kept right on stirring my heart! I mean there are plenty other yes stories I could share. Seriously, I couldn't focus, couldn't even read my lessons. I anxiously awaited the list of topics on Sunday, I mean, I basically had this written in my head I just needed to see if it was gonna fit in. There they were and guess what... my story fit right in. Way to go God! I finally gave in and said yes, wrote my rough draft and then there was relief.  Since then God has confirmed this decision over and over.  God knows! I pray that my story blesses someone and maybe gives hope to a struggling christian! Press on!

Radical obedience-done out of fearful respect for God, love for God, fear of consequences if I don't.  The battle was fierce! The consequences high!  Painful to say the least!

Obeying was like an exorcism! In fact, it was! I seriously fought so hard that I literally felt as if I was being torn apart from the inside out! There were times I'd wished that someone would lay hands on me and exercise the demons out! No one did. Instead, with God's help I fought them.  I was fighting a spiritual battle of truth, peace, obedience and forgiveness and a fleshly battle of sin, desire, hurt, and lies.  When you are called to obey and you are torn, the devil enticing hard on one side and Jesus gently calling you on the other it just ain't easy! I'm here to tell ya!  Sin is fun! No doubt!

I was willing to walk away from everything, a marriage of 15 years, my children and take a chance of forgiveness just to have a momentary break.  If I would just obey I could have eternal peace!  Sounds like an easy choice, right?  When God told me to stay in my marriage that I'd said I was through with, to leave the affair that I thought was the answer to my problems, I can tell you that that was the beginning of hell on earth! Don't deceive yourself into thinking that Satan is gonna let go that easy! Uh-uh, he's not!  I was already disappointed in God, mad at God because I felt that he had not answered my prayers when I had called out to him to change these unhealthy feelings that I was starting have for this other person. I blamed God! Truth? I was disobedient and finally said to God, "Fine! Just give him to me!"  Guess what! He did! Be careful what you ask for! God allowed Satan to dance with me. OH MY! The price we have all paid!  I tested God often during this time, I laughed at God. I am disgusted at my gall even now.  Can I just suggest to you not to do that?! Here's the thing...
GOD NEVER GAVE UP ON ME! Satan seriously wanted my LIFE! In death because if he could silence me, I would no longer be that Christian woman I once was who stood up for Christ, who obeyed, who trusted! 

Many times I played with suicide and every time God said, "NO!"  One time I very audibly heard God say, "NO! I have plans for you, just hold on!"  I would like to say that was the last time I tried anything, but it wasn't! Y'all the pain, the confusion, the guilt and shame was way to much for me to bear!  I tear up as I write this because I am grateful and amazed by his love! One time I wondered, "how many pills do I have to take? Why is this not working?"  I was angry! 

I believe God has given me so many messages, so many gifts to share, but they are too many for one blog post!  What I can say is this...I have had a ton of  #saywhats in the last 3 years and each time I have obeyed God has brought me a step closer to him.  Today as I am becoming more and more myself again, released from the bondage of sin, guilt and shame, I am tearful...overwhelmed by God's grace!

My marriage is still intact and better than it was before much to Satan's chagrin.  You lose Satan! My children have been hurt but are healing.  It is my hope and my prayer that they see my fight, my strength in Christ alone, my faith journey, instead of my sinful choices.  I hope that they, as well as others, can see Jesus in me!  If you are in a marriage that is struggling and so very hard right now, persevere, dig into God's word and see his truth, fall on your face asking for revelation. Get to know Jesus, be obedient no matter what!  Believe that each time you obey, each time you draw close to him, he draws close to you, James 4:8.  He will bless you! Claw your eyes open sisters and brothers, run, scream, cry, tear your clothes(figuratively or for real if you must! I understand that feeling)!  Whatever it takes to do what is right!  HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!  If your struggle is suicide or depression, stop listening to Satan's lies!  Maybe it's anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc, do away with it! Give it back, it doesn't belong to you!  I have learned that if I would just turn it to God, fall upon His grace, be radically obedient, those things do lift and change!  I'm still here because God wants me to share this with you!

Some love notes God shared with me:
My Princess daughter,
My grace is sufficient, I am all you need
Nothing can separate you from my love
Be still, I will fight for you
I sing over you, I will comfort you under my feathers, I will protect you
I delight in you! I treasure your tears.  They will not be wasted, joy comes in the morning
I will be your strength and shield, I go before you
I have many plans for you
I want to prosper and bless you, lift you up
I will NEVER harm you!
I am jealous for you, I will fight your enemies.
I will take down those who come up against you!
All you need to do is trust in me and say YES!
Whatever I say do, do it!
Receive me! I am your comfort! Your loving Father!
I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you!
I forgive you! You are PURE, WHITE AS SNOW!
My eye is on the sparrow, how much more is it on you!
Let me be your vision!
Come to me, come to me, come to me!

Have you ever had a father, a lover or a friend such as this?  You can!  Call out to Jesus!  Where ever you are, just as you are!  Believe in Him, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Repent, turn from your sinful, worldly ways and finally, #radically obey and follow Jesus in baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Buried in his death, raised to walk in newness of life!  Praise Jesus! Clothe yourself with Christ and become a fragrant offering to God! 

Jeremiah 29:11-13 When you seek God with your whole heart you WILL find him!  I did!

He calms my storms!
Stephanie Goode


  1. What a powerful post! Thank you so much for sharing, and I really needed to hear this today. My marriage is struggling seriously, and I have dug my prayer heels in and am trusting that God can heal!

    Looking forward to reading more later!

    Kyndra, P31 OBS FB Group Leader

    1. Kyndra thank you for your comment! I want you to know that from the time I saw your comment I have prayed for you! I don't know your exact struggles but I can tell you that when we dig in and depend on God for the answers and the strength rather than living by our "feelings" or emotions we will surely overcome! That was some of the hardest advice i got! Some of the worst advice is to tell someone to just do whatever your heart desires! Jeremiah 17:9 says that the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve. This may not apply to you at all it's just what was on my "heart" lol! I have learned to practice true love according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Now that my friend is hard! Have you ever compared the way you love your spouse to that? Not his love for you but yours for him. For me, it was an eye opener! My husband loved me more this way than I did him! Also, forgiveness, putting away accusations,hurts, disappointments and filling them with God's love and word are the key! Radical obedience! Hand in there, God has a purpose for your struggle! Much love and prayer over your marriage!

  2. Thank you for sharing you struggles. I am also in a struggle with my marriage. But after 8 years of fighting to keep mine together,I am seriously experiencing peace about separation. I found out 8 years ago that my husband has desires and internet/video/phone relations with other men. I was so devastated at first. Of course I blamed myself. I went through counseling several times, tried to get him to do it also, but he refuses to deal with this. We have "healed" several times and tried to start over, but it the ugly truth keeps coming back. My faith continues to grow although I have moments were I falter, but I have held on to Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that God has a plan for me. I have always felt that God has a special calling on my life but have not been very obedient over the years. I cried out to God and that is the only thing that keeps me standing in this marriage. I am beginning to feel once again the tug to "tough love" and separation is my goal. He needs to figure out what he wants in his life and has to decide for himself. I told that to my husband today and just like everything else I try to speak about with him, I got nothing. No denials, no 'let's work it out', just silence. A year ago, I became suicidal and wanted to end it all, but I love my children and my God too much for this to end that way. I know there is a ministry in this situation somewhere! We are both active in our church, although having just moved to another city/church earlier this year, our new church knows nothing of this situation. I am so thankful for godly friends that keep me grounded and pray for me on a constant basis. My goal is still full reconciliation one day, but I am ready to accept whatever my future holds. My storm has certainly been a rough one, but God has always been my calm in the storm and for that, I am so grateful. You are an inspiration to me with sharing your story. I have kept my husband's secret for 8 years and it is now part of my testimony of God's great work in my life, with a select few, I share it, one day, I hope to be able to shout it to the world how God has loved me and sustained me.
    Thanks for giving me the courage as well!! #saywhat, #palmsup #yestogod

  3. Paula, thank you for being so brave and sharing your story! I have been praying for you with a heavy heart! It took alot of courage for you to share that and you will be blessed. When we expose the darkness to the "light" it must leave! I can't even imagine what your family has gone through! What a soldier! Ya know my heart has been heavy for your husband too. Of course we know what the Bible says about unnatural relationships but I guess what keeps being on my mind is the deep struggle that goes on when our minds have been turned over to a depraved mind. God says in 1 Corinthians 6:18-19 that all other sins are outside the body but sexual sin is sin against ones own body. It is like an addiction. It takes over the mind as well as our fleshly desires. I feel for your husband because I know how hard that battle was for me. At times I would just give up and give in to the thoughts and that is usually when I would spiral down to suicide again. Obedience is so key here even in thoughts. I am praying around your husband! I also am praying for you with every remembrance of you! One thing God continuously whispered to me was "my grace is sufficient for you, when you are weak then I am strong!" Thank you for sharing your obedience to Christ! You are salt and light! You have been faithful to God and your husband just like my husband! God will not let your pain nor your tears be wasted sister! Press on! With much love and prayer for your family! I'm amazed! #palmsup
