Why is it that we, by we I mean Christians, seem to justify sinful actions of those who have money, popularity, or perhaps a position of influence & yet judge a struggling christian for their failures and/or mistakes? See, the way I see it, we as Christians have a tendency to turn a blind eye, or say "oh, that's just the way ole so & so is", we make excuses, justify & continue to cavort with them, but when a fellow christian stumbles & makes a mistake or chooses to worship God in a different way or place or doesn't live up to standards that we have created ,not necessarily God's standards; we tend to judge, criticize, shun & turn our backs on them. Whatever happen to forgiveness & encouragement of a brother/sister & standing against what is evil or wrong? 1 John 5:17 All wrongdoing is sin... The Bible says in Hebrews 10:24 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds; not condemn one another to hell, right? What ever happened to living out the example of the parable of the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to bring the one lost sheep back? More often than not instead of searching for each other & bringing one another back into a right standing with God we leave each other to feel lost & abandoned to the wolves. I think it's easy for us to practice such backwards living because it makes us feel safe. Safe? Yes, if we ride the fence, in the name of Jesus of course, it makes us feel better about ourselves when we sin because we aren't really staking a huge claim on values & morals; we don't look like a freak, it gives us a reason to not commit 100% one way or the other, we can appear to be so accepting of everyone & everything because that way everybody loves us. God does say for us to love everybody right? Especially when it benefits us! Truth? See we can hide behind those living a worldly life by saying "Well, I'm just trying to help them or God didn't turn his back on sinners." I've been guilty of it! True, he didn't turn his back, but he also didn't live like them either because he was truly about his Father's business. Are you claiming to be a christian & yet flying under the radar by using excuses that make your actions seem worthy? It's tantalizing to dip our toes in the sparkling waters of lust, fantasy, wealth, popularity, acceptance, etc. Before you know it you can find yourself waist deep & you have a choice to make. It's always about making choices. Mistakes are clearly choices! We don't accidentally hang with those who can lead us into the fun we think we're missing out on as a christian. A mistake is when we unknowingly spell a word wrong. Come on! So, do you recognize that you are about to get in over your head & turn to Jesus or do you choose to wade in further? I've been in this predicament myself. The last time I found myself panicking in the waves that threatened to wash over me I chose to go in deeper! Bad move! I nearly drowned!
We tend to lower our standards because first of all sin is fun! I like it too! What I don't like is the consequence of sin! We've lowered our standards because we certainly don't want to hurt or offend the feelings of those living a worldly life but we will stomp all over a believer in a heartbeat! We may even label them as fake because they messed up or appear to be out of the will of God because they don't worship as we think they should! The Bible says that we should confront our brother & gently bring them back, love will cover a multitude of sin! Galations 6:1 instructs; Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. I believe that this world is so hungry for love & acceptance that we will do ANYTHING to get it when all we have to do is turn to God! We have set the standard of love according to this world & its pleasures rather than according to God. 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes & the boasting of what he has & does-comes not from the Father but from the world. The world & its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. I know all these things to be true because I have done them! I have traveled aboard the SSS-Satans Sinking Ship across the waters of the SSS-Satans Sea of Sin! Hey, he made it all look so good & guess what! I made a mockery of being a Christian! I personally made my claim as a Christian look fake. Are you being a stumbling block to someone who's faith is not mature? Are you the iceberg in someone's ocean who does not yet know Christ? Are you causing a weak Christian to doubt & stumble? I have & it pains me greatly to know that my sins have pierced His side. Standing back up after this is not easy but when God calls you out you have a choice! I choose to stand!
We take for granted Jesus giving his life for our sins on the cross! I took it for granted! The nails were driven into his hands & feet for my choice to have an affair, your choice to leave your marriage because it's not fun anymore, the choice to have premarital sex, to reject Jesus, to lie, to steal, to murder, to defile your body, to covet, to put other gods before Him, & the list goes on. God knows that the desire of every man's/woman's heart is to be loved with an unfailing love~Proverbs 19:22 What a man/woman desires is unfailing love...& that is exactly the kind of love he offers!
I am writing this not only because it has happened to me but also because I see it all around me. The more people I meet & the more time I spend listening to their stories the more I hear this same scenario over & over! It truly saddens me! I am learning too that we have to be so careful to not be led astray by satan's tools because he recognizes our hunger for love & acceptance & our need to fill the voids within us & will tempt us with worldly pleasure in our weakness. We are here to bring glory to God & to lead others to Him, not to be happy & have the best time ever doing whatever we please nor are we here to judge others of their imperfections! Jesus himself did not come into this world to judge but to save it! God will do the judging! So let your love be evident so that others will know who you belong to!
I am charging all Christians to stand against all wrong & side up with Jesus 100%! Get off the fence! He didn't call us to be luke warm! He would rather you be either hot or cold! Revelation 3:15-21 Why are you on the fence? Are you afraid of being judged or held to a higher standard? Are you afraid that you might not be liked? Are you worried that you will look like a hypocrite? Let's fire it up & let our lights shine as a city on a hill! Stop making evil look good! God didn't call us to be comfortable but instead to stand out! Be prepared to stumble, to fall, but also to be caught by the biggest, strongest, softest & most loving arms ever! The arms of Jesus!
I'm sorry if I have offended with my rant, but I feel very strongly about this! I ask forgiveness for the times when I have been satans tool & stood on the fence of judgement, excuses, & fear of standing. When satan uses us to hurt each other he is in his heaven! He is so smooth & the one's he uses are too! So convincing! Just a little won't hurt! Just one time, no one will know! Just deny & delete right? One drink, one smoke, one time, a little lie, it's fun, it feels good doesn't it? If it feels good it can't be wrong?! Have you ever believed these lies? If you have I would imagine that when you finally get your head above water you will believe lies like these too: you're not beautiful now, you're not worth it, just kill yourself you'll be at peace then, you're fat, no one will believe you now, God doesn't love you anymore, you can't be forgiven, you mind as well give up, you're not good enough! None of these are of God! You are beautiful, you are handsome, you are worth it, I will give you peace yet while you live, your body is perfect to me, I believe you, I will always love you, I forgive you, don't give up, you are good enough...these are the truths you will hear from God!
Christians, fall at the feet of Jesus so that you can stand in His strength! Let Him show you the way in which you should go! The words you should say, how to forgive, when to encourage, how to love unconditionally like He does, & how to discern good from evil & when to stand! Close your mouth, open your heart, extend your arms & hold God's children close in His love! Love all men/women with the love of God but do not live with them in sin! Be an example of righteous living(being right with God).
Disclaimer: I am not in any way claiming to be without sin! I have made my share of "mistakes", have made "bad choices". I have hurt others too by my choices, my judgements, my choice to walk away from God & live in sin & for that I am truly sorry! It is by God's grace alone that I have been forgiven & am being restored daily! I am thankful that I serve a God of second, third & fourth chances! His love is new every morning, great is His faithfulness! The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will hope in Him!
Judged & Redeemed,
Stephanie Goode