God's love!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you,
He is a mighty warrior, strong, there to save you.
He takes great delight in you,
He will quiet you, calm you, with His love,
He rejoices over you with singing.

The Lord your God is totally & completely in love with you

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Are you a FAT Christian?


Are you a FAT Christian? I'm not, but I wanna be! Said no-one ever! Are your scales tipping over to a number that you "shouldn't" be? Or is the number that you "should" be too low? But either way, you're still FAT? This is a question I've been asking myself lately, am I FAT? Especially as a Christian! Have mercy!  I think every one of us would answer this question with a resounding YES! It doesn't matter if we are "too skinny" or not, we say "I'm fat!" Don't we? How many times a day do we say "Ugh, I'm so fat"? When we eat a cookie we immediately think "I'm so fat" while we pinch our inch to see if it's somehow grown in the last 2 seconds it took us to inhale our cookie! First of all, let me ease your mind, fat doesn't grow that fast! Water and poop maybe, but not fat.  You would need to eat that cookie everyday for about 2 weeks to gain a pound.  But the guilt and shame we consume each time we eat it will definitely make your fat cells swell up immediately! That spare tire just suddenly put on 50 more pounds of pressure! No kidding! Am I wrong? I know from experience! Oh, but the sweet, sweet grace of Jesus covers us and like tar on a hot road, melts away that guilt and shame!
Here's the real question we need to ask ourselves, am I spiritually FAT? What if we applied that same physical awareness of being fat to our spiritual diet? What would your answer be? Before you answer, let's look at what FAT means.

F aithful
A vailable
T eachable
(borrowed from Alisa Keaton, @revelationwellness)

Now, are you FAT? I'm not as FAT as I'd like to be! That just makes me chuckle when I  hear myself say that! Go ahead, say it out loud! "I'm not as FAT as I'd like to be", "I want to be FAT", "Man I wish I were more FAT"! Sounds funny and maybe it even brings up some very emotional feelings.  It's ok if take time to go there with Jesus! Leave no stone unturned physically or spiritually.
So, I've been thinking on this for weeks and every time I do I cannot remember what the A stands for.  I always have to go look and then I'm like "oh yeah, ok, sure I'm available". But am I? This time I brought the letter A to Jesus. Like Sesame Street, "Today, Cookie Monster is eating the letter A". A is for Availability! What exactly does that mean? Available: Present, ready to use. Accessible, qualified and willing to serve or assist.  Capable of being used. Uncommitted, FREE and able to ACT AT WILL! To be unavailable is to be inaccessible, unapproachable, and not available or at hand. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak! What a great place to be honestly because Jesus' power can work greatly in that space.
 Here's some questions God has given me to ask myself:

1.Are you willing and able to be available beyond the point or pain, discomfort and disappointment?
2.Are you available to move past your insecurity or lack of confidence?
3.Are you available to act in my strength and not your own?
4.Is your heart available for me to work in and show you things that stand in your way?
5.Is your heart open to trust me and depend on me?
6.Are your eyes free of stumbling blocks and judgement?
7.What is keeping you, my Daughter, from being fully available? Can I show you?

Well, I thought that I was pretty available until I started examining my heart.  Do you know what my biggest stumbling block is? FEAR! FEAR! And, well, FEAR! Yes! Oh my gosh! I am passionate for Jesus, I desire to be a mover and a shaker, a difference maker! I want to take all that God has done for me and share it so that others might be free from their chains! I want to give the world Jesus! I want to help other Christians shake off all that is holding them back and making them unavailable! But sometimes...fear keeps me in my closet (praying or not) rather than out there being a shaker of salt and creating a thirst for God! What could I possibly fear? Sometimes I fear rejection. I fear not knowing enough and being thought of as stupid. I fear being ridiculed and judged, being laughed at.  I fear crowds! I know, who'da thunk it, right? I fear being uncomfortable, embarrassed, and on and on! How crazy is that? It sounds like I fear being like Jesus? Doesn't it? I mean, do I fear being FAT? Ha, boy that has double meaning doesn't it? Fear is a tool of satan to keep me under a bushel! Yall, this little pea is popping on out of that bushel! Whoop! "The sun'll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, come what may..." Lord let it be today, not tomorrow! Do you know what else can keep a girl/guy from being available? Unconfessed sin.  Oh my, like a cookie, sin makes me do a pinch test and waller in guilt and shame. Mmmhmmm! So does jealousy & envy (for another day), unforgiveness, and feeling sorry for myself.  Claiming busyness to avoid interaction is an availability killer.  Bitterness, resentment and hate can also puts me under lock and key.  Any of these sound familiar? When God says, "jump" do I ask 'how high?' or do I say "wait", make excuses, or pinch my inch? Am I available at all costs? You've heard the saying "If God sends you to it, he'll get you through it!" It's true, but are you, am I, willing and able to throw that much caution to the wind? We've been told "look before you leap".  The only thing we really need to look at is the scale of our hearts.  "The phrase taking a leap of faith implies a swift and sure movement in a direction where the destination is unknown." (Kingdom Woman)

I WANT TO BE FAT! I want to be faithful, available and teachable! I want to be so FAT that I can't fit through a door way because Jesus is so big in me! I want to be so FAT that when I enter a room everyone notices because the light of Jesus draws their attention! I want Jesus to be my "spare tire", my "roll" over my belt, and that extra wave under my arm!  I want the face of Jesus to be smack in the middle of my cellulite! I want my hips to pound out a rhythm of praise for is He is worthy! Woo hoo! Being FAT is sexy! I am beautiful! So are you! Let me tell you something friends, being overweight or fat physically is just an outer manifestation of an inner dysfunction.  Truly it is! There is no shame! Embrace where you are knowing that God is just chomping at the bits to get in there and work you out! Our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak! Hallelujah! It's not about the outside! Ask yourself these questions:

1.What are you protecting yourself from with that spare tire around your waist? What is it you can't stomach in life?
2.Got lower belly fat? Whom or what is a like a parasite in your life? Is it unconfessed sin? Cast out that life sucker! Maybe it's time for a cleanse! Literally, you may actually have parasites! Ew! Lol!
3.Upper belly fat? Ah, why are you so closed off in your heart? What or whom are you protecting it from? Is there distrust? You CAN trust again! Don't believe the lie that says you can't. Trust is not gone, just wounded.  Pain? Sorrow? Surely we need to protect our heart's for it is the well spring of life, but not from God!
4.What's with that rounded, "beer belly?" Too much beer? LOL! That's between you and God! If it's hard, maybe you worry too much and need to slow down and rest in Jesus.  Maybe ya need a boost of citrus Sonshine and some "Real Salt" of the Word of Life! If it's soft maybe you need a shot of BJesus! Maybe you need to be fed.  What's got ya so sluggish? Is it toxins?

What is making you unavailable? Be FAT for Jesus! He is the "good fat"! He is the "olive oil" of life! Consume him daily! He is your Omega 3, 6, 9, 5, & 7! Let him wreck your heart!  Let him remove your fear, guilt and shame! Let his goodness replace your "wrinkles" of resentment, bitterness and let his love smooth out your hate! He is the giver of life! He is your vegetable, your lean protein, your healthy whole grain and the fruit of the vine! I can't think of a better diet plan!  Be mindful and be FAT, be FAT, be FAT!

I am faithful, I am available and I am teachable! Say this affirmation daily! Look in the mirror and say "I am FAT, I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am valuable and I am available! Use me today Lord, not tomorrow!" When you embrace the joy being FAT I can promise, yes promise, that your "physical" fat will move, your eating habits will change, and your energy will increase! Joy is the magic pill! It IS the best fat burner out there! Order yours today, it's FREE! No shipping, no taxes!

Warning: Joy is contagious!
Spread this message like wildfire and become a real "Available" life changer!

It's a challenge: Tell someone "I am a FAT Christian and I am bringing sexy back! Let's go! It's time to dance!

We are fearfully and wonderfully made to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. For God examines the heart of a man and not the outer appearance. We are created in His image and He will continue the work in you until the day Jesus appears! Amen!


Stephanie Goode,
Holistic Health Coach, CNHP

Friday, June 10, 2016

Fear and Doubt

F alse
E vidence
A ppearing
R eal
D istorts
O verwhelms
U nbelief
B elittles
T ortures
Do you know what doubt and fear do? They keep you from moving forward. They keep you stuck. They keep you in chains! Right where the enemy wants you! Weak, worn, weary! Fear and doubt are lies that hold us hostage to unbelief. They cause us to shrink back. Fear and doubt belittle us and make us feel small, not enough. They torture our souls with anguish and worry. Fear and doubt overwhelms our hearts and minds with things that aren't real. They distort the truth!
I know these two fiends very well! I've met them numerous times in my life! When we live in doubt, which I've been good at, our vision is stolen from us. We can no longer see things for what they really are. It's like having our hands clasped over our eyes. Oh sure we can peek out, but if truth presents itself we will shrink back again in fear. Does doubt cause us to fear or does fear cause us to doubt??? I think they are married to each other! They go everywhere together! Doubt can keep us from receiving good in our lives because fear has told it that its not good! Fear keeps our mouths closed, our voice muffled and our feet planted. Fear creates anxiety, a lack of confidence and a deficiency in desire. It causes us to worry about EVERYTHING and causes us to focus on pleasing others and not God. Fear puts it's huge, scary hand over our lives. Fear takes life! Steals our breathe!
Fear and doubt have stolen much from my life, but in the name of Jesus and in His power and boldness, I step forth! Once again! I remove the hands of fear from my lips and the fingers of doubt from my eyes and I will you Lord most high with all that I am! I will proclaim your goodness from yesterday, today and tomorrow! My lips will not be silent, my feet will not be still and my heart only beats for you!
I invite you to do the same! Be bold for Jesus! Let His light and assurance bring you confidence and strength! I understand, it makes your heart pound with anxiety. Don't let anxiety fool you, it's a close relative of fear. Anxiety is just mistaken excitement! It is a case of mistaken identity! It is boldness being held back! Go on and grab it, raise your hands to Jesus, and spin and dance in the rain of His mercy and justice and grace! Let His great drops of love cover your fear and doubt! Shout it from the roof tops and don't you ever, ever, ever shrink back! Jesus came to give life, fear and doubt are there to steal it! GO! Tell the Lord "Here I am, send me!"
For I am not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved! I live by faith and I am a pleasing aroma to Christ!
Hebrews 10:39 (paraphrased)
Matthew 21:21-22 "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can o do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to the this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Living Free,
Stephanie Goode

Friday, June 3, 2016

Beauti-Fully Wrecked


The other day I was relaying my experience with my workout and a friend (whom I haven't met yet) described it as "beautifully wrecked".  I've been thinking about that.  What does that mean to me? So yesterday while doing my workout on the spin bike again, I got it! My picture may show me smiling, but just moments before that I was choking back tears. There were several of those moments for different reasons, but the one reason that gave me that light bulb moment was when I wanted to give up because my legs were tired and it was painful. I cried out to God, "It hurts God, I can't do this, I need to stop. Give me your strength, show me what I need to know."  And BAM, I'm powering through the pain! I make it past it! During my struggle to push through God reminded me of the pain I've already come through.  The difference is, it was emotional pain.  I look back now and wonder how I ever made it.  At least 3 years out of the last 5 were pure hell!   I remember wondering if people could see on the outside what I felt on the inside.  I felt and could see in my mind, my body being contorted and twisted.  I could see me pulling my hair out and ripping my clothes! That's how much emotional and spiritual pain I felt. It was a war for my soul! Satan wanted what did not belong to him.  Previous to this time I was always at the gym working out and taking care of myself.  I loved who I was, but then something happened.  The enemy broke in on my race and I stumbled and fell.  My body and mind became worn. Oh how satan sifted me.  But God's grace lifted me! I didn't think He could, I didn't think I could.  On the other side of the emotional struggle came the physical struggle.  A diagnosis with Epstein Barr about did me in.  I became bed ridden and fevered for almost 3 months.  My muscles hurt to the point that standing or sitting became painful.  It took me a year to recover and gain some strength back. During my dark time my body became my idol.  And now I couldn't make it move. Fast forward to this last year, my knees and hips went down. Again to the point that I couldn't sleep because of pain, walking was hard and painful, getting on and off the toilet was serious, and even times my husband had to help me walk.  No working out for me! I have slowly worked my way back to the gym.  I became so discouraged that I didn't even take care of the parts that I could actually move. That was a huge mistake. It only added to my painful recovery.  I don't need the perfect body or the biggest muscles, but I do need to be able to move.  God has work for me to do! So, with therapy and time I have progressed a great deal in the last six months even tho there are still times of great pain and other times none.  I'll be honest and tell you that I have thought many times that I'd rather go through emotional pain because I know now that I can handle it now.  I became afraid of physical pain.  That's never been my problem.  As I sat on that bike pushing past the pain I realized, "You have got to overcome this stronghold with pain because the enemy cannot win!"  Jesus did it on the cross and so can I! I was being beautifully wrecked in my pain, sweat, tears and moans and groans and probably winey baby faces! Lol! I have learned to hate the gym, hate to work out because I knew it would hurt in more than one way! That's so crazy! One big excuse after another! I used to love the pain and soreness! Now the thought of it will keep me sitting at home making excuses.  I have always loved to run and even that was taken from me.  I would do it anyway just because it made me mad and then of course I suffer in pain afterwards! Does that even make sense? Running was my stress relief. It made me feel strong and powerful! Hmmm, in who's power? In who's strength?  I've prayed "Lord, why? Show me what I need to learn here. How can I get stress relief if I can't even do cardio because my knees can't hold up?"  He said, "find another way."  Truth is I just needed to stop.  Be still.  But I couldn't. I needed to quit making excuses and be all that I would ask a client to be.  Be what you want others to be. How can I show you and teach you to push through if I'm not willing to do it myself?
I have always been a runner emotionally too! I feel like I've finally conquered that, but now it's down to, will I persevere in physical pain in order to strengthen my body so that I can go where the Lord sends me next? Will I go forth believing in his healing?  It is in His strength that I am pushing forward, and it's His healing I am believing in.  So, it is in God's strength that I can do anything. It is my pain, be it emotional or physical that makes me #boldinthesoul.  And oh how good it feels in the end when the nausea passes and the muscles relax and become weak from exhaustion. But mostly, it feels good knowing I did it and I didn't have to do it alone! My workouts are my time to press in to Jesus! I workout my soul while I workout my body!  If I wait and rely on myself and the desire or strength to get up and move and push past my own ability, I will never move! Without Jesus, I am nothing! With Him, I am #boldinthesoul!  Lord, keep showing up in my pain! Keep me bold so that I can be used by you to help strengthen others and lead them to freedom in you!

Beauti is found when you are fully wrecked! Be beautifully wrecked in Jesus!

Stephanie Goode  ©

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A kernel of Wheat

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am my servant will also be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:24-26

Like the caterpillar who must lie dormant in a cocoon in order for it to develop it's wings and become a new creature, more beautiful in character and color than one could imagine, we too must bury ourselves in Christ, becoming dead to sin and our old lives so that we in due time can be transformed to bear our spiritual fruit and put on our wings that will transcend us from this world to our heavenly homes where we will never spin nor toil again!

Buried in Christ,
Stephanie Goode


How much does He love me? Oh let me count the ways!
He loved me every day, with each step he took, knowing his destiny.
He loved me when his stress was so intense that he sweated drops of blood.
He loved me when he cried out "Take this cup from me. Not my will, but thine".
He loved me when he was wrongly accused, betrayed and beaten!
He loved me when he carried his cross.
He loved me with every lash, every nail pounded into his bone, and when the sword was thrust into his side!
He loved me as each thorn was pressed into His Holy head!
He loved me when he closed his eyes in death and when he gloriously arose!
He loved me then and he loves me now!
His love is wide and deep and reaches beyond all my sins.
His love is longer and higher than infinity.
Life and death cannot stop his love, neither angels nor demons interfere.
Nothing in my past, in my present, nor in my future will stop his love!
There is no power greater than his love.
There is no height nor depth that his love cannot reach.
Nothing but nothing in all creation, not my failures, not my doubts, not my rebellion, not my self loathing, not my "not good enoughs"-Nothing but nothing can separate me from his love!
His love, that surpasses all knowledge, fills me to the measure of all the fullness of God!

This is why I am #boldinthesoul #revelationwellness

Free in Jesus and 4ever loved,
Stephanie Goode