"Crumby Drops"
Do you see your cup as half full or half empty?
Depends on where I'm at in life.
Does your bread basket have half a loaf or none?
Depends on what life throws at me.
Maybe you've been told that the glass seems half empty because you're not grateful for what you do have! Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you just don't know what to do with the other half.
Have you ever felt like a drop is all that's left in your cup?
I have!
Have you ever looked in your basket only to find a crumb?
I have!
Do you have that one thing in your life that seems to be just a drop or just a crumb that you cannot surrender?
I do!
So what do we do?
We take that half empty glass, give thanks, quench our thirst with what's left and allow God to refill it with fresh water!
We take that half a loaf, give thanks and offer what's left to God so that he can give the increase!
What about that drop or that crumb? That struggle?
We take that "crumby drop" and in full surrender we offer it to Lord!
But what if my faith is weak? What if I'm not sure I can do what I "think" I know he wants me to do? What if a part of me doesn't want to? What if I want to hold onto that crumby drop because the future is way to scary without it? What if I don't think I'm strong enough?
We take "what drop of crumby if" we have and we wrap it up with trust, whisper over it a prayer that sounds like this, "Jesus"!
He will take that one drop and turn it into an everlasting well and he will cause that one crumb to soften and rise! His grace will deliver us and his mercy will renew us!
Doesn't that sound wonderful? Yes, Yes, Yes! But the truth is, it may be that hardest, most dry drop of crumbs we've ever swallowed! The longest half a cup we've ever drank and the shortest half a loaf we've ever offered!
But take courage, He has overcome the world and He can surely deliver you!
Are you like me and sometimes feel like Moses, "Lord, send someone else" or like Jonah, "anywhere but there" or like the rich man, "I'll give up anything, but that"? With the faith of a mustard seed...man shall not live by bread, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, the living water.
Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles...Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! Psalm 55:2, 6
Can we pray for each other's "crumby drops"? Let's do!
I'll meet you on the other side of obedience!
Stephanie Goode © May 24, 2014