Be still! Know me! Know that I am God! Be patient, I will renew your strength!
I do have a plan for you! I will give you hope and a future! I will prosper you, in my time.
You are never alone, I will never leave you! Just wait on me. Be hopeful! Hope in me, for
I am hope! Wait and see, I will give you wings like the eagle! You will soar in my strength.
When you seek me with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind you will find me.
In me you will find joy, full and complete! Bring me all your plans and I will align them with
my purpose. Give me the desires of your heart and I will fulfill them according to my great mercies!
Show me your dreams and I will compassionately give them life! Put your trust in me and you
will have enough hope for each day! For my love is unfailing! It never ceases, never dies!
Be still! Know me! Know that I am God! Be patient! Know that I love you! Know that I
have chosen you out of all the peoples on the earth to be my treasured possession! Be still!
I will fight for you! I know your enemies! I know your fears and doubts! None of these scare
me! They cannot stop me! I overcame death for you! I have promised you life! Live it abundantly!
Put your hand in mine! Trust in me! Hope is yours for I am hope! Success is yours, at times I
will carry you! I was broken for you, I bled for you. My blood covers your sins! You are forgiven!
In me, there is no condemnation against you! You will fall, but I will pick you up! You are made
in my image! I am mighty to save! Be strong and courageous! I sing love songs over you! I rejoice
over you! I adore you! How deep, how wide is my love for you!
Be still! Know me! Know that I am God! Be patient! Just wait! Your wings are coming!
Your strength renewed! My gracious, exciting plan for you revealed! Trust me! Be hopeful!
Live in the joy of your salvation! Laugh, be silly! Choose life! Rest peacefully in my grace and
mercy! I've blessed you with a unique gift. Seek it! Embrace it! Thank me for your gift!
It makes you who you are! You are mine! Crafted by my hand inside your mother's womb!
Fearfully and wonderfully made! A shining star you are! My sunshine! My child!
You my love, are a gift to me from my Father, who reigns in heaven; the creator of all things good!
Never forget, that nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you!
Be still! Know me! Know that I am God!
Truly and forever yours,
Stephanie Goode © 4/25/2014