As I sit here watching Dancing With the Stars I am wondering what God thinks of the ladies so scantily dressed and moving their bodies in seductive ways not only with someone who is not their husband, but also for all the world to see. What do you think? What does he think of me watching it? Does he approve of either thing? My heart, my mind and my soul all say this is not right.
The topic of women and their bodies is one that God has been convicting me of for over a year. I pridefully resisted for awhile. In other words, I was disobedient. I still wanted to show off my body. To be honest I didn't want to be controlled by anyone telling me how I can dress. I still wanted that attention even though that sort of lifestyle had already gotten me into trouble. I was looking for a fleshly way of fulfilling an inner void. is fun and addicting and so empty! I did not want to hear that message because I was not ready to give up my sin and live what I considered to be the life of an old lady., lady...yes!
I was taught better growing up about how a woman of God should clothe herself with modesty and a quite, gentle spirit. Like a lot of folks, I went my own way, the way of the world. It's so accepted and glorified! I have conformed to the ways of the world in more than just how I dress. How about suggestive music that diminishes the value of a woman, the value of true love, and speaks crudely of our bodies with foul language? Where sex is made into something freaky and wrong rather than a blessed communion ordained by God between a husband and wife. Cussing, it's ok right? NO! It is one thing I find myself doing when my heart is not right. Drinking excessively. Walking in ways that the Bible says I should no longer be walking. The world, satan, paints a lot of pretty pictures and unfortunately we buy into them and compromise our walk with Christ. What do I stand to gain by showing parts of my body that are meant only for my husband to see behind closed doors? Well, I gain the eyes of other men, rude remarks, whistles, indecent proposals and the list goes on! Our bodies were not meant to be put on display in any way.
Where is beauty found? In the unfading beauty of a quite, gentle spirit which is of great worth in God's sight. It's found in noble character, in fearing The Lord, in reverent living, in one who puts her hope in God. She is trustworthy, her husband has confidence in her. She is wise and gracious, she does not gossip. It is in a woman who does not slander, or who is not addicted to much wine, who loves her husband and children. Beautiful is the woman who is pure and self-controlled. Who practices doing what is good and shows integrity, seriousness and soundness in speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose her may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about her. A beautiful woman knows that charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears The Lord is to be praised. Last but not least the one we all don't like, it's found in a woman who like women of the past, are submissive to their own husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him master. Ouch! 1 Timothy2:9, Titus 2:3, 1 Peter 3:5, Proverbs 31. According to God these things please him, but according to the world it is found in Victoria's Secret (it's really no secret), it's found on stages where we present our bodies to be judged rather we are beautiful enough, on a stage where we are scantily dressed and being judged on whether our muscles are big enough or formed enough to win a place ( I have nothing against muscles on a woman nor am I judging, just question if it is pleasing to present our bodies in such a way).We even engage our young daughters in such things. It's no wonder women and young girls and teens struggle with self-image! We do not need the world to decide if we are beautiful enough! It's on the beaches! It's on the cat walk!
My question is, are these ways of the world or of God? I keep feeling very convicted and led in studying and speaking on such things, not because I want to be able to judge anyone but instead to keep myself and my sisters on the right path. The path that pleases God, but does not boast in beauty or physical strength, or sexual prowess, but instead is beautiful in her walk with Lord, in humility and grace, and strong in God's strength so that she can take care of her husband and children always encouraging and admonishing them in The Lord! This doesn't sound fair! I too have modeled, strutted my stuff and worn indecent attire. Maybe I have it all wrong! I have resisted and prayed and resisted and prayed. I ask God all the time, " are you sure? Am I hearing you right? This is not a popular view! It may make some people mad at me! I may be judged or slandered and for sure disagreed with! God if this is still what you want then don't let the fire inside me die! Give me your wisdom and your words! Give me peace and discretion!" Well obviously he hasn't let this die in me. In fact tonight as I was washing dishes I was once again talking to God about this and he whispered a verse to my soul. Here it is Philippians 3:12-16 as I write this I'm asking "Lord are you sure?" here goes...Not that I have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.
I was disobedient in the convictions of the Holy Spirit and I grieved him. In other words, I made him sad, caused him grief. I press on to accomplish what Christ has asked of me. I am still perfecting it each time God shows me another inappropriate thing. I know that he will show me clearly! I have even been faced with being obedient to my husbands request to not wear certain things. Don't even think this was easy for me! It so was not! In fact it was kinda painful! Why is humility and respect so hard sometimes? It's my will versus someone else's...some call this PRIDE! Yup one of my sins that I am maturing in. I want to be mature in my walk and be pleasing to God.
I am super aware of what I wear, if I'm showing cleavage, or if my dress is too short or if my shorts are to short, etc. Especially since I gave my body over to sin. I now realize what it does to a man to see a woman's body presented in a package that shows more than she should. Yes, we are responsible for tempting men. Yes, they are responsible for self control. We should not do anything that hinders a brother or sister. Do you think that what you wear or what you do with your body doesn't affect other women? It does! She may think if she can do that or wear that as a christian so can I or you may be a temptation to Her husband or maybe like in my case my boys! Believe me I have always been defensive about not just young girls but women who show their bodies in front of my boys! Sad thing is...I have done it! Thank God for forgiveness! It should really be enough when our boys are worried about what we are wearing. I remember one of my boys hating it if my bra strap slipped out! I feel very proud and honored that my boys love me enough to want me to cover my body. There friends do not need to see my body! They are young men with eyes and hormones. I have learned that they don't see our bodies as imperfectly as we do! Yes, I have felt much shame and embarrassment over my inconsiderate, disrespectful ways towards my husband and my children! Ladies, please think on this...your daughters are for sure beautiful and so are their precious little bodies so please consider what you are doing when you post pictures of them in bikinis and comment how beautiful they are because I can guarantee you that a lot of other people, men and boys alike, think so too! Don't put them at risk! Ladies,when you post pictures of your beautifully trimmed bodies in bikinis my husband sees them too! And yes he and I both think you are sexy, but now, with even a glimpse my husband or my boys have the image of your body in their minds. I do not blame him or them because this is how God made them! I'm asking you to pray and ask God what he would have you do with your body and your daughter's bodies that pleases him and brings ONLY HIM GLORY and not us. God knows you are beautiful because he created you and he wants to make us all so beautiful inwardly that no one would dare speak and "ugly" word against you!
I know this may all sound "old school", but if God's ways are "old school" then I'm attending class!
So as you can see from reading the characteristics of a beautiful woman I have not already obtained all this but I press on in obedience to Christ toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus!
Lord I pray that you would open the hearts and minds of all who read this today and that you would impress upon them your will for their lives! Amen
Imperfectly beautiful,
Stephanie Goode