Let's remember the stars
Let's remember the stripes
The warriors who fought, who gave their lives
So we could live freely and sleep in peace at night.
Let's remember the scars
Let's remember the stripes
That Jesus received on the cross that wretched day.
He bore our sins, He bore our shame
He gave us the right to be His heir
Without His blood
OUR cross We would bear.
Each year we celebrate our freedom
With food, fun, and games
We are still when we hear the boom of the cannon
We lift our eyes in awe of the sparkly lights in the sky
Remembering those who fight, those who die
Giving us Independence, the 4th of July.
Let's not forget to remember God, who set this example.
Over 2000 years ago
He darkened the heavens
He lit the sky with flashes of lightening.
The ground shook, the earth quaked.
The thunder rolled out the victory tune...
The battle is over, the war is won!
Your job is finished!
Well done my Son!
Inspired by God
Stephanie Goode
Thank you to God, our founding forefathers, veterans, the men & women who have lost their lives & those who still serve for our freedom today!