God's love!

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you,
He is a mighty warrior, strong, there to save you.
He takes great delight in you,
He will quiet you, calm you, with His love,
He rejoices over you with singing.

The Lord your God is totally & completely in love with you

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it time to turn around?

I have so many things on my heart right now but for now what I want to say is now is the time to turn around! To make that u-turn! Whatever it is that is holding you back, that is coming between you & God, let it go! I'm talking to me too! Whatever is keeping you or me from his plan for us, let it go so that he can reveal what it is that he has for us to do! God is speaking to me & I am trying to pin my ears back & listen only to his voice, the voice of the heavenly GPS-Gods Precious Son! Jesus! Sometimes the things he reveals are not easy to accept but totally necessary in order to grow my character! I have so many questions & I wonder who can I ask about this & I hear him say, "Ask me!"  But I don't know where to look in the Bible! He says, "Ask me!" But I need to know now, I need to understand now!  He says, "Trust me!" But if I trust & I turn around, it may hurt! What if it does?  He says, "Trust me!"  "I hear your broken hearted crys & I will heal you!" Psalm 147:3 "When the righteous cry out, I hear them; I will deliver you from all your troubles.  I am close to the broken hearted & I will save you when your spirit is crushed. The righteous may have many troubles, but I will deliver them all; I will protect all your bones, not one of them will be broken." Psalm 34:17-20.  "Trust me, I Love You Most of All!"  Don't worry about satan! Rebuke him & God will pin him down in those little cracks in the road & cause the Son to shine so hot upon him that satan himself will wish for the fires of hell instead of the wrath of God!  Read Psalm 118 if you don't believe that God will fight for you or if  you just need some confirmation! Amazing!  So if you're like me & you are struggling, let's pray for each other that we will hear only his voice, that our eyes will be opened to his purpose, & that we will remember just how much he loves us & that he can't wait for us to turn around!  He's excited about the very thought of it!  Put on your roller skates friends! It's time for us to start skating through this arena of life, defeat satan  & spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Tag your it!

Letting go & turning!
Much love!
Stephanie Goode

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Road map, GPS, Destination!

 Hey yall! (That's southern in case you didn't know!) I'm back! After a few days of resting & catching up I'm ready to tell you about Savannah, Ga.  Let me just say that part of my catching up was reading book 1 of the Hunger Games before today because we are going to see the movie at midnight. Yay! I highly recommend the book. It was a quick read & very interesting. Now back to the trip. I'm not sure where to start. How about the fact that I didn't pack until the day before I left & that I, for some reason was not nervous at all about driving 14 hours plus in uncharted territory for me.  It was  kind of a bucket list thing. I've wanted to drive a long distance either by myself or without my husband so that I could see whether or not I could do it.  If he is with me I don't worry because he will take care of me. This time it was my Mom, my Aunt & I. I drove, they navigated. I have never really cared about geography nor have I understood it, or history. Two things that interest me now as an adult. I was gonna say older but I don't like how that sounds because I am 39 not 40 & always will be.  Just saying! LOL! Ok, back to the trip. On the way to Savannah we had decided to take 80E all the  way as it would be the straightest shortest and safest route based upon what the map said.This route would in avoid going through Atlanta but as the trip lingered on & night began to fall we ended following the GPS because we became unsure & signs snuck past us for 80E. The GPS of course took us on a different route, 85N I believe, which we really didn't want to take but hey it was dark & we were just trying to get there without too many more turn arounds. Now, here's the comparison; let's say the map is like the Bible. It's written out plainly, the roads are mapped out for us. The GPS, well she kinda has a mind of her own no matter how you input the information she will detour you in order to get you back on that route she wants you to go which of course makes you question the map thinking maybe shes got a point & knows a better way. Then there are signs along the way that go both 80E or 85E as well as other little detours that will get us to the same place but they make take us into some dark, scary, mountainess places & slow speed limits. Ugh, not fun!  Ok, so as I'm driving my Mom(Vicky) will gently remind me to take 80 all the way & you want get turned around, meanwhile the GPS is annoyingly shouting veer right onto 85 north then take 21 then turn left onto....& whatever you do... don't ignore what she says because she will then start rerouting! She will start rattling off about 5 turns at once & you're really confused. She wants you to go where she wants to go. So, after a long, long day & night of traveling, a nights rest(if you can call it that) in Macon, GA or AL, depending which side of the line your on, we are up early to start our trek to Savannah for the next 4 hours. I wish I could say it went smoothly but...at the gas station my Aunt(Ruth) was filling the Tahoe up & when she pulled the pump out of the vehicle gas went all over her & the Tahoe! Not fun for her! She cleans up, luckily they had a shower, but her clothes & shoes...ruined. Oh & she lost a shirt she bought, forgot her mirror when we were leaving, went back & got it. Bless her it just wasn't her best time ever! Moving on.  Finally, Savannah Georgia!  Beautiful place! I loved it! We checked in at our hotel & headed for downtown and umm we got turned around right off the bat! No sweat! Once we got to downtown we quickly realized it would be somewhat complicated maneuvering the streets.  Actually I enjoyed the challenge of it all. I think we drove around the many blocks for at least 30 minutes before we finally found a parking garage with room to park. One spot left I might add & it was a tight squeeze.  Can you believe that the first place we found was Paula Deen's restaurant, Lady & Sons? Yup! Got right in & had a wonderful meal! Pricey but big portions & delicious! The 3 of us shared two entrees. A cool place to go is the River Front on Bay Street. I got to watch a magician do some really cool tricks & do some shopping. Let me just tell you, it was packed & it wasn't even St. Patricks day yet & people already had their green on! Well, the next day we toured 2 very old historic houses. Our houses really don't compare, beautiful architecture & decor, not to mention the history dating back to the 17 & 1800's. I got to see the room that Robert E Lee stayed in on his visits to Savannah. That was cool because it was the only name I recognized! LOL! Never was much of a history buff but now that I am enjoying the finer things in life I wish I  would've listened & cared more in school. So kids, pay attention! Awesome stuff! Personally I am intrigued with the many ghost stories that are such a part of Savannah. We ate lunch at The Pirates House, the only stop I really wanted to make. The food was great! Some for sure down home southern cooking! Come eat yall! (Paula Deen) I'm pretty sure I got a ghost in one of my pictures! Seriously! Boo! Tummies full then off to Tybee Island. Twas a wee bit chilly for me but I got used to it & began my search for as many unique shells as possible! Jack pot! Truly I've never found shells like the ones I found on Tybee Island. My favorites were the ones that looked like tulips.  Also, I found some very unique looking corral. God truly amazes me! I found one that looked like a miniature tea pitcher, an ice cream cone, Batman's horns, a tablet like the one the ten commandments were written on, the sail on a ship, a mushroom, a helmet, a hearing aide, & my other favorite a ghost face! No kidding! Even my kids recognized it as a ghost mask! Also, I found regular shells that were thicker than most & my favorite of those was a pretty yellow one! I will definitely go back! Maybe I should fly next time!? All in all it was a great trip! There is so much to do you really need to take at least 5 days there not including travel! Sorry to say though that we did not brave the St. Patricks Day parade as they were expecting between 700,000 to a million people & were warned  to find a hiding spot by 6pm the night before as it gets pretty wild! If we would have gone we would've had to either be downtown at 4:30am, parade didn't start till 10:15am or park outside of the 1 mile by 1 mile downtown area & walk about 3 miles! Can you imagine that many people in such a small area? And for the Ghost tour we were gonna take we wouldve been walking over drunks & puke says a local resident of 7 yrs. No thank you! Seriously when driving downtown once again you will need a map. For real! GPS? Again, confusing! And most certainly read the signs & keep your North, South, East & West in check! Back to my earlier discussion of directions. Here's what I learned. Always be vigilant in looking left & right, front & back, you never know when someone on a bike may zoom around your slowly moving car or someone may just walk right on out in front of you expecting you to stop! Really? I got very tired of that & wanted to run them over for being stupid! Sorry! I must rant! Ya know God has given us a map to navigate us safely through our life. His voice is the only GPS we should be listening to because believe me there are many imitators & devil's angels out there trying to take you down 85N to Atlanta where according to a local who has lived there his whole life, there is never really a good time of day or night to go through it! Many back roads to trip you up & confuse you! If we keep our eyes trained to God's word, our map, & our ears focused on His voice we will never take the wrong exit. But should we veer to our right or our left he is mighty & gracious to allow us a u-turn! They are legal at all times! Here is what God says about using His map in Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads & look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, & walk in it, & you will find rest for your souls."  He warns us in Proverbs 4:25-27 to Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions(back roads n detours). Watch your step, & the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left;leave evil in the dust. When we are lazy or in a hurry & we think maybe that short cut or detour(CR 21) would be easier we may find ourselves in trouble because we don't know what road blocks or dead ends lurk down those intriguing side roads but God knows because in Proverbs 15:19 he says The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. Be careful not to get thrown into the brier patch of sin & disillusionment! I've been there! It ain't easy folks & it hurts tremendously sometimes! Some of those thorns may never come out!  Watch out when the worldly GPS(Go Play in Sin) tempts you to veer one way or another taking you straight on to 85N or South right into Atlanta. Turn it off & listen for God's GPS(Gods Plan of Salvation) to keep you on Interstate 80E or 80W-straight path to Georgia or home.  Isaiah 30:21 says, Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Keep those ears perky for God's voice! Also you can look up Deuteronomy 5:32-33. As I said earlier any other voice besides God's is the voice of the imitators & devil's angels or better said "demons". 1John 3:7-8 So, my dear children, don't let anyone divert you(lead you astray) from the truth. It's the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God entered the scene to abolish(destroy) the Devil's ways.  I love that! GPS-God's Plan of Salvation! Guides People Safely! He sent his Son Jesus to save us, to rescue us from sin & hell & guide us safely home to Him! But just in case we do slip up & take the wrong exit or are weak to Satan's candy God does allow u-turns! He longs for it in fact! Check it out in  Ezekiel 33:11 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways & live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!...Again in Acts 3:19 Repent, then, & turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, & that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you-his name is Jesus. To encourage you God has said in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong & courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I know this is a lot to read & take in & so many verses but God's road map, our Bible is so full of sea shells of wisdom, instruction, comfort, encouragement & most of all love!  I hate to leave anything out! Ya know! Will u seek out the ancient paths? The straight paths? Will you strain your ears to hear his voice, his GPS? Will you make a U-TURN? If you wanna know how much he loves you & how well he knows you & how if we keep our eyes & ears focused on him we cannot get away from him no matter which way we turn because he has put airbags all around us then go to Psalm 139! When we realize how vast his love is we will rejoice & praise him as David did in Psalms 139! Go ahead! Read it! I dare you! Here's a sneak peek-vs 5-7 You hem me in-behind & before(Airbags); you have laid your hand upon me(reassuring presence). Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?

Prayer-Thank you Lord for all the beauty you've surrounded me with & for your ever present Spirit! Psalm 139:23-24 Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross examine & test me, get a clear picture of what I'm about(know my anxious thoughts); See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong(taken a detour)-then guide me on the road to eternal life. God's GPS Guides People Safely to God's Plan of Salvation!

Yall come back now! Ya hear!
Stephanie Goode

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Learning to live through his words-more to come!

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted, not because I don't have anything to say or blessings to share but ya know sometimes life gets in the way. I will say very quickly though that I have been happy, sad, blessed, confused, sure, excited, nervous, busy, lazy, etc. I could go on. There have been many lessons learned for sure! Forgiveness, grace, learning to listen to God through his Word. I have found myself in many situations lately that I wasn't sure of so I am learning to ask God to show me through his word what the answer is. Am I on the right track with my thinking rather than feeling my way through and he has assured me each time that I am. If by chance I wasn't on the right track he showed me that too. I am preparing to leave for a 5 day trip to Savannah, GA and am very excited to see God's beauty portrayed there. The expressions of all that he is! A great and wonderful God who loves me & you so very much. He hears the broken hearted and heals their wounds, psalms. So comforting to me! Well, off to bed now, 5am comes way to quick for me! So not a morning person! Stay close to God while I'm gone! I can't wait to get back and tell you all about Georgia! And all the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks.

May the Lord Bless you & keep you!